To go back, to the First Part, of my Marie
Birch’s Unofficial Craig Charles Website: Part One, then please go to:
Marie Birch's Unofficial Craig Charles Website: Part One
For anybody, who happens,
to come across, my Unofficial Craig Charles Website, I am afraid, that I am having,
to make, quite a few changes, to it, for the time being!
Craig Charles: Former: Official
Craig Charles Fan Club and the Former: Craig Charles Online Website
I would have, fully
recommended, Craig's: Former: Official Craig Charles Fan Club, to any of his
Fans, which had run, from December 1996, until about, April 1998, especially
as, his Former: Official Craig Charles Fan Club Team, had been, so kind, to
publish, a Letter, which I had, sent in, to them, at the time, which had been,
full of praise, about Captain Butler!
Unfortunately however, due
to various reasons, it definitely, looks like, the brand new: Official Craig
Charles Fan Club, which had been supposed, to officially launch, during the
Millennium, has still not, materialized, at this point, in time.
Unfortunately however, I am
afraid, that I have had, no choice, in the matter, but to cancel, all of the
Contact Information, for the brand new: Official Craig Charles Fan Club, and
the brand new: Official Craig Charles Fan Club Website, until Craig, is ready,
to re-launch, his brand new: Official Craig Charles Fan Club, and his brand
new: Official Craig Charles Fan Club Website, for the time being.
And I promise, everybody
concerned, the moment, that I am able, to obtain, some updated news, with
regard, to Craig, being ready, to re-launch, his brand new: Official Craig
Charles Fan Club, and his brand new: Official Craig Charles Fan Club Website,
then I will definitely, promote, the brand new: Official Craig Charles Fan
Club, and the brand new: Official Craig Charles Fan Club Website, via my
Unofficial Craig Charles Website, as soon as it is possible, for me, to do so!
And, I promise, that I will definitely, NOT let
him down, where that is concerned!
And never fear, Marie
Birch’s Unofficial Craig Charles Website, will always be here, no matter what!
And there are always, other: Unofficial Craig Charles Websites, that are
available, on the Internet, that have got, more images available, of the man
himself, and they look, a great deal, more professional, than my Unofficial
Craig Charles Website, could ever present itself, in three million years, or
more, especially as I am not, a Computer Aided Designer! And they can always be
located, via the various Search Engines, on the Internet, at any time!
In the meantime, however, I
am going to promote, Craig’s past achievements, via his Former: Unofficial
Craig Charles Fan Club, and his Former: Craig Online Website, as soon as it is
possible, for me, to do so!
And, I would have
thoroughly recommend, the Former: Craig Online Website, which had been: Craig
Charles’: Former Website, which had been, set up by the man himself, from 1999
to 2002! And, the Craig Online Website, had included, in-depth details, of
Craig’s: Former: Live on Earth! Show Tours, and you
could even, find out, how Robert Llewellyn had helped Craig out, during one of
his shows, which had been, held at Malvern, Worcestershire! And, there had also
been, a Questions and Answers Session Web page, where Craig, had published the
Fans questions, as himself, and he had also published, the fans questions, as
his Dave Lister Character, from Red Dwarf! And therefore, I had found that to
be, very absorbing and uplifting, indeed! And Craig’s Questions and Answers
Session Web page, had showed how much, Craig had interacted with the Fans, and
how much, he had cared, where their views, on Red Dwarf, and his career,
outside Red Dwarf, was concerned!
But that said, however, he
could only answer, so many, questions, at a time, as he was, and he still is,
very busy, indeed, where his work commitments, are concerned! And, I am afraid,
that he hadn’t answered my questions, at the time, but I will definitely
treasure, the email correspondence, that he had posted,
to my email box, during August 1999, forever and ever! And, that email
correspondence, from Craig, in question, has been stuck, in my Red Dwarf
Scrapbook, ever since! And, the email correspondence, that I had received, off
Craig Charles, personally, during August 1999, had been, with regard, to my
enquiries, about his brand new: Official Craig Charles Fan Club, and his brand
new: Craig Online Website, and the possibility, of him, publishing, my
Alternative Red Dwarf Fan Fiction Set On The Dwarf, via the brand new Fanzine,
of his brand new: Official Craig Charles Fan Club, at the time!
At the time, Craig had
promised, to answer, all of the visitors, to his Former: Craig Online
Website’s, email correspondence, whenever, he had got the time, that is! And,
the Former: Craig Online Website, had also included, a web link, to some of
Craig’s Poetry, that he had published, over the years, and a Web link, for The
Official Robot Wars Website, at the time! And, I have also published, some of
Craig’s Poetry, via my Unofficial Craig Charles Website, over the years! And, I
am fully aware, that some, of the information, on the Former: Craig Online
Website, had also been, copied, over to my Unofficial Craig Charles Website,
anyhow! But that said, however, I really do feel, that Craig’s: Former: Craig
Online Website, had been, far more specialized, than my Unofficial Craig
Charles Website, and it had certainly, got, far more photographs, of Craig, on
offer, which had been, related, to his work, outside Red Dwarf, than the
photographs, of Craig, that I have still got, on offer, via my Unofficial Craig
Charles Website, which had also been, related, to his work outside, Red Dwarf,
when all was said and done! And, I really did feel, that there had also been, a
great deal, of very interesting, Text Related Information, on Craig’s: Former:
Craig Online Website, at the time, when all was said and done!
And without, any further
ado, my Unofficial Craig Charles Website, basically covers, different aspects
of Craig’s career, and it is definitely, not in competition, with Craig's:
Former: Craig Online Website, or his brand new: Funk and Soul Page Website, at
all, when all is said and done! And my intention, where my very own: Unofficial
Craig Charles Website, is concerned, had definitely,
been more, of a promotion, for Craig’s: Former: Craig Online Website, and his
brand new: Funk and Soul Page Website, when it actually comes down to it, at
the end of the day!
But that said, however,
anybody, is more than welcome, to browse, my Unofficial Craig Charles Website,
whenever they like, especially as I have got, every intention, of updating it,
whenever I have got the time, available, to me, that is! And therefore, my intention, is to have, a complete Database of interviews,
which Craig, has conducted, in the past, over years, via various publications,
such as The Red Dwarf Smegazine, and The Official Red
Dwarf Fan Club!
A Craig Charles and Suzanne Rhatigan
Along, with Suzanne Rhatigan (who had originally starred, as the Kochanski Camille, in Camille: Episode I: Red Dwarf IV),
Craig Charles, had composed, and he had also co-written, some of the songs, for
Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album: To Hell With Love (And
Craig, had also composed, the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album: To Hell With Love!), which had officially, been released, during 1992,
along with his providing, some of the backing vocals, for the songs, that he
had also composed, for the album: Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of
Years, and the rest of the songs: Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also
co-written, for the album.
Unfortunately however, I
have recently discovered, via Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopaedia: Search
Engine, that the Company:
IMAGO, that had originally distributed: Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album: To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also composed, the Title Track, of
Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album: To Hell With Love!), which
had officially, been released, during 1992, along with his providing, some of
the backing vocals, for the songs, that he had also composed, for the album:
Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of Years, and the rest of the songs:
Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also co-written, for the album, had
gone, into administration, shortly after, it’s release, which had interrupted,
her career, for a time.
And, I had always wondered,
just exactly, who Suzanne Rhatigan, was, when I had
first seen her, as the Kochanski Camille, in Camille:
Episode I: Red Dwarf IV, because I had heard of her vaguely, over the years!
But that said, however, I would never, have associated her, as being a
Musician, and that, Craig had composed, and that, he had also co-written, some
of the songs, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album - To Hell
With Love (And Craig, had also composed, the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album: To Hell With Love!), which had
officially, been released, during 1992, along with his providing, some of the
backing vocals, for the songs, that he had also composed, for the album: Open
Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of Years, and the rest of the songs:
Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also co-written, for the album, in a
million years! Well, you learn, something new, every day, don't you!
And, Suzanne Rhatigan’s - Singer-Songwriter’s Website, is dedicated, to
her singing career. And, I had been surprised, to discover, that Suzanne Rhatigan, had worked with Scott, Aitken
and Waterman, as one of their backing singers! And, I had also managed to
download, one of Suzanne’s songs, along with the Lyrics, which Craig Charles,
had composed himself, which is called: Learning To Cry, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album: To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also
composed, the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album: To Hell With Love!), which had officially, been released, during 1992,
along with his providing, some of the backing vocals, for the songs, that he
had also composed, for the album: Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of
Years, and the rest of the songs: Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also
co-written, for the album, during 1999.
And, I can promise anybody,
who happens, to come across, this particular section, of my Unofficial Craig
Charles Website, that the music, that Craig had composed, and that, he had also
co-written, some of the songs, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album - To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also composed, the Title Track, of
Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album: To Hell With Love!), which
had officially, been released, during 1992, along with his providing, some of
the backing vocals, for the songs, that he had also composed, for the album:
Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of Years, and the rest of the songs:
Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also co-written, for the album, is
definitely, nothing like, the OM song, that Lister’s Younger Self, had
originally performed, with Smeg and The Heads, on Timeslides: Episode V: Red Dwarf III, when all is said and
Unfortunately however,
somehow, one way, or another, my download, and not, to mention, the Lyrics, of
Suzanne Rhatigan’s Single: Learning To Cry, which
Craig Charles, had composed, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album - To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also composed, the Title Track, of
Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album: To Hell With Love!), which
had officially, been released, during 1992, along with his providing, some of
the backing vocals, for the songs, that he had also composed, for the album:
Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of Years, and the rest of the songs:
Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also co-written, for the album, had
completely disappeared, into thin air, via our previous: Computer system,
during the Millennium! And that, had mainly been due,
to us, acquiring, a brand new Computer system, during the Millennium, anyhow!
And, during the Millennium,
I did make, an attempt, to re-download, Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Single: Learning To Cry, which Craig Charles, had composed, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album - To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also
composed, the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album: To Hell With Love!), which had officially, been released, during 1992,
along with his providing, some of the backing vocals, for the songs, that he
had also composed, for the album: Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of
Years, and the rest of the songs: Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also
co-written, for the album, via our brand new: Computer system, at the time, and
our Real Player, of it’s day, had come up with a
message, which had basically, informed us, that our brand new: Computer system,
at the time, had needed, the latest version of Real Player, available, and it,
had managed, to block me, from trying to download it, once again! And my husband:
Paul, had thought, that had mainly, been due, to us, having Windows 98, at the
time, because our previous: Computer system, had got, Windows 95, installed, at
the time, and that, would probably, have explained, just exactly why, I may
not, have been able, to re-download, Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Single: Learning To Cry, which Craig Charles, had composed, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album - To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also
composed, the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album: To Hell With Love!), which had officially, been released, during 1992,
along with his providing, some of the backing vocals, for the songs, that he
had also composed, for the album: Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of
Years, and the rest of the songs: Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also
co-written, for the album, at the time, via our brand new: Computer system, at
the time, anyhow!
But that said, however,
perhaps there are others, that may be, out there, on the Internet, who may be
able, to download, some of the songs, which Craig Charles, had composed, and he
had also co-written, some of the songs, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album: To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also composed, the Title Track, of
Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album: To Hell With Love!), which
had officially, been released, during 1992, along with his providing, some of
the backing vocals, for the songs, that he had also composed, for the album:
Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of Years, and the rest of the songs:
Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also co-written, for the album, anyhow!
Unfortunately however, what
with one thing, and another, I never did, get around, to making, another,
attempt, to re-download, Suzanne Rhatigan’s Single:
Learning To Cry, which Craig Charles, had also composed, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album - To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also
composed, the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album: To Hell With Love!), which had officially, been released, during 1992,
along with his providing, some of the backing vocals, for the songs, that he
had also composed, for the album: Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of
Years, and the rest of the songs: Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also
co-written, for the album, once again, until as recently, as January 2012!
Unfortunately however, as
it turned out, via my recently, browsing: Suzanne Rhatigan’s
- Singer-Songwriter’s Website, during January 1012, it definitely, looks like,
the download, along with the Lyrics, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s
single: Learning To Cry, which Craig Charles, had also composed, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album - To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also
composed, the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album: To Hell With Love!), which had officially, been released, during 1992,
along with his providing, some of the backing vocals, for the songs, that he
had also composed, for the album: Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of
Years, and the rest of the songs: Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also
co-written, for the album, are no longer, available, for downloading purposes!
And therefore, it
definitely looks like, I will have to look into, other ways, of finding, the
download, along with the Lyrics, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s
single: Learning To Cry, which Craig Charles, had also composed, for Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album - To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also
composed, the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album: To Hell With Love!), which had officially, been released, during 1992,
along with his providing, some of the backing vocals, for the songs, that he had
also composed, for the album: Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of
Years, and the rest of the songs: Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also
co-written, for the album, as soon, as it is possible, for me, to do so!
And more recently, I have seen,
the Music Video, of the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album - To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also composed, the Title Track, of
Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album: To Hell With Love!), which
had officially, been released, during 1992, along with his providing, some of
the backing vocals, for the songs, that he had also composed, for the album:
Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of Years, and the rest of the songs:
Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also co-written, for the album, on You
Tube, during 2012. And I am pretty certain, that Craig Charles, himself, is
featured, on the Music Video, of the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album - To Hell With Love (And Craig, had also
composed, the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s
Album: To Hell With Love!), which had officially, been released, during 1992,
along with his providing, some of the backing vocals, for the songs, that he
had also composed, for the album: Open Up, Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of
Years, and the rest of the songs: Nearly 18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also
co-written, for the album. But I am afraid, that I cannot be,
one hundred percent certain of that! And, I had thought, that the Music Video,
of the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album - To
Hell With Love (And Craig, had also composed, the Title Track, of Suzanne Rhatigan’s Album: To Hell With Love!), which had
officially, been released, during 1992, along with his providing, some of the
backing vocals, for the songs, that he had also composed, for the album: Open Up,
Learning To Cry, and The Spinner of Years, and the rest of the songs: Nearly
18, and Don’t Talk, that he had also co-written, for the album, which I had
originally seen, on You Tube, during 2012, had been, very good, indeed, anyhow!
So for anyone out there,
who would like to find out more, about Suzanne Rhatigan,
via her Suzanne Rhatigan’s Singer -
Songwriter’s-Website, then please go to:
It is my intention, to
reproduce a series of interviews, which Craig has done, over the years, and as,
I have downloaded a great deal of interviews, that Craig has conducted, over
the years, off a number of Red Dwarf and non Red Dwarf related Websites, over
the years, that I have been, surfing the Internet, I have decided to make sure,
that they will be permanently available, via my Unofficial Craig Charles
Website, forever, and ever!
And, to begin with, if you
would like, to find more, about Craig’s opinions, on his Favourite
Football Team, which is Liverpool of course! Then please go to:
Charles Interview: Official Liverpool Football Club Magazine: Volume II: Issue
The second interview, that
I have reproduced, is an interview, that Craig had
originally done, during September 1996, which is entitled: Back From Hell, and
it had originally, been published, in a Men’s Magazine, and it had originally,
been written by Canny Wallace for Comedy Review Magazine. And the interview:
Back From Hell, for Comedy Review Magazine, had included Craig’s opinions, on
the Red Dwarf fans, in general, and their reactions, to meeting him, in the
United States of America, and the forthcoming seventh series, of Red Dwarf,
which had almost, been due, to start, going into production, at the time, and
it had originally been aired, from January to March 1997! And the interview:
Back From Hell, had also included, Craig’s opinions, on the forthcoming eighth
series, of Red Dwarf, which had originally, been due, to go into production,
during 1998, and it had originally been aired, from February to April 1999! And
the interview: Back From Hell, had also included, Craig’s opinions, on his
forthcoming Chat Show: Funky Bunker, and his forthcoming, brand new: Pirate
Sitcom: Captain Butler, and they had both, been originally aired, from January
to February 1997! And therefore, if you are interested, in Craig’s interview:
Back From Hell, then please go to:
Charles Interview: Back From Hell: Red Dwarf VII
information, to come about this, at a later date!
Bunker and Weapons of Mass Distraction
information, to come about this, at a later date!
For anybody, who is interested
in listening, to The Craig Charles Funk and Soul show, via the BBC 6 Music Real
Player, and the BBC 6 Music Media player, which is on BBC 6 Music, on a
Saturday evening, which starts, from 6.00p.m to 9.00p.m, you will need to go
on, to The Craig Charles Funk and Soul show Website, directly, which is at:
To email Craig, with any requests, for The Craig Charles Funk and Soul show, at
BBC 6 Music, then please contact him, at:
Or if you would prefer, to Text, The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show, a request, the Text Number, is: 64046.
Or if you would prefer, to contact, The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show, via Facebook, then please go to:
The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show | Facebook
Or if you would prefer, to contact, The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show, via Twitter, then please go to:
Craig Charles (@CCfunkandsoul)| Twitter
Or if you would like to contact, the Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show, by Telephone, or get in touch, with any other shows, on BBC 6 Music, by Telephone, or if you would like to use, BBC 6 Music’s Automated Option Telephone service, you can contact, BBC 6 Music, at: 08700 100 600.
This will put you through to the show, that is currently on the air.
Or preferably, if you would like, to speak to an Operator, with any queries, you have got about, The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show, or any other shows, on BBC 6 Music, or any general queries, with regard to BBC 6 Music, you can Telephone: BBC Information, at: 08700 100 222.
For anybody, who is
interested in listening, to any show, on BBC 6 Music, via the BBC 6 Music Real
Player, and the BBC 6 Music Media Player, then please
go to:
And, the Main Address, of the BBC 6 Music Radio Station’s: Greater London Headquarters, is: BBC 6 Music, Broadcasting House, 1, Portland Place, Greater London, W1A.1AA.
And more recently, on Monday the 14th of December 2011, it had been announced, via the Internet, that the Former: BBC 6 Music Radio Station Manchester Headquarters, at the BBC North and BBC North West Studios: BBC Manchester Headquarters, which had originally, been situated, at New Broadcasting House, Oxford Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester, had moved into, their Brand New: BBC 6 Music Radio Station Manchester Headquarters, at The BBC North and BBC North West Studios: BBC Manchester Headquarters, Dock House, Salford, Greater Manchester, which is situated, at the Brand New: MediaCityUK Complex, which is based, at The Greenhouse, Salford Quays, Salford, Greater Manchester.
And, for anybody, who may be interested, in the MediaCityUK Complex Website, then please go to:
And, on
Saturday the 21st of July 2007, Craig had announced, on his Funk and Soul Show,
at the BBC 6 Music Radio Station, that he had acquired, a brand new Website,
which had originally, been set up, on Friday the 20th of July 2007, at long
last! But that said, however, Craig’s brand new: Funk and Soul Page Website, is
mainly based, around his Funk and Soul Show, at the BBC 6 Music Radio Station!
But that said, however, Craig has insisted, that over time, his brand new: Funk
and Soul Page Website, will cover, all aspects of his work, which is
definitely, something to look forward to, in my general opinion!
So, for
anybody, who may be interested, in Craig’s Funk and Soul Page Website, then please go to:
Craig Charles Funk and Soul
I have also set up, some
Profiles, with regard to Craig's work, via his Funk and Soul Show, at the BBC
Radio 6 Music Station. And for anybody, who is interested, where that is
concerned, then please go to:
A Profile of
Craig Charles' Work For BBC Radio 6 Music!: Part One
A Profile of
Craig Charles' Work For BBC Radio 6 Music!: Part Two
And, more recently, I have
set up, an additional Website, with regard, to Craig’s work commitments, at The
BBC 6 Music Radio Station, because what with one thing and another, there have
been a great deal of changes, at the BBC 6 Music Radio Station, which have had
to be set up, via The BBC Corporation, from 2010, onwards, which has mainly
been due, to the cuts, they have had to make, and even though, the BBC 6 Music
Radio Station, has been saved, from closure, from Monday the 5th of July 2010,
onwards, I am afraid, that there has been a great deal, of reorganization, at
the BBC 6 Music Radio Station, and as, there has been a great deal of
information, for me, to sort out, with regard to that, I really do not wish, to
clutter up, my Unofficial Craig Charles Website, with it, any further! And
therefore, I had no choice, in the matter, but to create, an additional
Website, with regard, to Craig’s work commitments, at The BBC 6 Music Radio
Station. For anybody, who is interested, then please
go to:
BBC Radio 6 Music Station Extra Information Website
Craig Charles: Former: Official Craig Charles
Fan Club and the Former: Craig Charles Online Website
(Come back to this, at a later date! Marie Birch)
*And, I would have fully
recommended, Craig's former: Official Craig Charles Fan Club, to any of his
fans, which had run, from December 1996, until about, April 1998?, especially
as his former: Official Craig Charles Fan Club Team, had been so kind to publish
a letter, that I had sent in, to them, at the time, which had been, full of
praise, about Captain Butler!
Unfortunately however, due
to various reasons, it definitely, looks like, the brand new look: Official
Craig Charles Fan Club, which had been supposed, to officially launch, during
the Millennium, has still not, materialized, at this point, in time.
And, I am afraid, that I
have had, no choice, in the matter, but to cancel, all of the contact details,
for the brand new look: Official Craig Charles Fan Club, and the brand new
look: Official Craig Charles Fan Club Website, until Craig is ready to
re-launch, his brand new look: Official Craig Charles Fan Club, and his brand
new look: Official Craig Charles Fan Club Website, for the time being.
And I promise, everybody
concerned, the moment, that Craig, is ready to re-launch, his brand new look:
Official Craig Charles Fan Club, and his brand new look: Official Craig Charles
Fan Club Website, that I will definitely, promote, the brand new look: Official
Craig Charles Fan Club, and
the brand new look: Official Craig Charles Fan Club Website, via
my Unofficial Craig Charles Website, as soon as it is possible, for me, to do
so! And, I promise, that I will NOT let him down, where that is
And if anybody, is interested, in the Craig Charles OnLine Website, then please go to:
And, my Former: Craig Charles Yahoo
Groups Message Board (and which, had originally, been known, as my
Former: Craig Charles Career Profile Yahoo Groups Message Board, and which, had
eventually, become known, as: my Former: The Craig Charles Yahoo Groups Message
Board, from Friday the 24th of February 2017, onwards!), had originally, been set up, from Sunday the
31st of July 2011, up until, Saturday the 2nd of November 2019.
And, I will be, sorting out, things, on Facebook, where that, is concerned, very soon!